Email: kongming@nies.org
(1)国家水体污染治理重大专项专题,2017ZX07203-004-02,基于透明度提升的城市湖泊底质改善技术研究, 2017-01至2020-06,主持;
(1)Kong M., Han T L., Yin H B et al., Algal Settlement Inactivates Lanthanum/Aluminum Comodified Attapulgite: Implications for Phosphorus Control in Shallow Lakes, ACS EST Water, 2022, 2, 547−555
(2)Kong M., Xing L Q., Yan R M., et al., Spatiotemporal variations and ecological risks of typical antibiotics in rivers inflowing into Taihu Lake, China, Journal of Environmental Management, 2022, 309 , 114699
(3)Kong M., Liu F F., Zhang W J., et al. High resolution investigation of pH on control of mobile and organic phosphorus and associated release kinetics following lanthanum modified bentonite (LMB) amendment at the water-sediment interface. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2021, 295,126148.
(4)Kong M., Han T L.,Chen M S*.,et al. High mobilization of phosphorus in black-odor river sediments with the increase of temperature. Science of the Total Environment, 2021, 775.
(5)Kong M., Zhu Y Z., Han T L., et al. Interactions of heavy metal elements across sediment-water interface in Lake Jiaogang. Environmental Pollution, 2021,286, 117578
(6)Kong M., Bu Y Q., Zhang Q., et al. Distribution, abundance, and risk assessment of selected antibiotics in a shallow freshwater body used for drinking water, China, Journal of Environmental Management, 2021, 280,111738
(7)Kong M*., Liu F F., Tao Y., et al. First attempt for in situ capping with lanthanum modified bentonite (LMB) on the immobilization and transformation of organic phosphorus at the sediment-water interface, Science of the Total Environment, 2020, 741, 140342.
(8)Kong M., Liu Cheng., Chao J Y., et al. Field observation and simulation experiments on nutrient transformation during phytoplankton-derived particulate matter deposition. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2020, 27:25297-25311.
(9)Kong M*, Hang X S, Wang L M, et al. Accumulation and risk assessment of heavy metals in sediments and zoobenthos (Bellamya aeruginosa and Corbicula fluminea) from Lake Taihu. Water Science and Technology, 2015, 73(1): 203-214.
(10)Kong M, Wang L M, Chao J Y, et al., Removal of Cu2+ and Ni2+ from Wastewater by Using Modified Alkali-Leaching Residual Wire Sludge as Low-Cost Adsorbent, Water Air Soil Pollut, 2019, 230:65.
1.平原河网区河湖治理技术与应用. 2022年长江科学技术奖一等奖. (排名第5)
2.氮磷污染物生态拦截前置库技术. 2021年发明创业奖创新奖二等奖.(排名第3)
3.河湖氮磷污染底泥生态疏浚成套技术及应用. 2019年国家环境保护科学技术二等奖.(排名第9)