Academician of Chinese Academy of Engineering. Professor of Environmental Toxicology.
Academician Cai Daoji has long been engaged in the study of environmental toxicology and established the research field of pesticides environmental toxicology in China. He has made significant contributions to the development of new pesticides, the safe application of pesticides, prevention and treatment of pesticide contamination, as well as the protection of rural ecological environment.
From the 1970s, he has been systematically studying the migration and transformation of persistent pollutants such as DDT and BHC in the environment, the restoration of soil environment from DDT and BHC contamination, and the transmission of those pollutants in food chain. He has revealed the serious negative impact of organochlorine pesticides on ecological environment, agricultural products, human health and export trade. He took the lead to propose ban on organochlorine pesticides in China, and has made a significant contribution to the prevention of ecological environment pollution caused by such contaminants. In 1983, China eventually banned the use of most organochlorine pesticides including DDT and BHC.
Academician Cai Daoji and his team composed the National Criteria for Pesticide Environmental Safety Evaluation and a series of pesticide safety evaluation norms, procedures, methods and standards. He has systematically studied the environmental behavior, ecological effects, safety assessment, and pollution control of various types of pesticides, which has provided scientific basis for the development of new pesticides, the safe application of pesticides and the prevention of pesticides pollution to ecological environment and agricultural products.