The 33rd meeting of the Working Party of the National Coordinators of the Test Guidelines Programme(WNT-33) was held from 20-23 April 2021. Given the global sanitary situation, the meeting was held on the Zoom platform. 75 representatives from more than 30 countries (or organizations) attended this meeting. Doctor Shi Lili was invited to the network-meeting as a member of expert from China.
There were about 31 topics for the 33rd meeting, and the meeting given priority consideration to the issue of “Approval of new and updated test guidelines and guidance documents (TG/GD)” and “New standard project submission form (SPSFs)”. “Guiding principles on good licensing practices for protected elements in OECD TGs”, “New project on the development of Guidance on Good Computational Methods Practive(GCMP)” and “Review of other projects on the work plan and updates”, etc were also discussed. 8 project submissions, 9 test guidelines and 5 technology guidelines were approved by this meeting. The emphasis of this meeting is still on the AOP, endocrine disrupting effect, ecotoxicity and fate of nanomatetials.
This network-meeting has strengthened the international academic exchanges and collaboration, and made more people know NIES. We should develop new technologies, new methods and new test species, including native species modeled, QSAR, vivo experiments, nanomatetials, EDCs, embroidering on the basis of OECD chemical testing technology system and the demand of China, to improve the ability of China’s management on chemicals and the emerging pollutants.